01. Radio Morocco
02. Sev Acher
03. Helwa Shak
04. Kal el Lazi Kad Ham
05. Nights of Malta
06. Esoterica of Abyssynia
07. Space Prophet Dogon
08. Theme from “Wild World of Animals”
09. Cruel and Thin
10. Gum Arabic
11. Lies Up the Niger
'The Bishop brothers continue to dig into the Girls' archives from before Charles Gocher's tragic disappearance in 2007. In this new offering they revisit North African songs from Morocco to the Mid-East and beyond, interpreting them with their own distinctive style. All tracks on this CD are cover songs from Sun City Girl's repertoire, several frequently performed by the group live for more than 20 years. Several cuts were inspired by found unmarked cassettes and radio recordings made in Egypt and Morocco by Alan Bishop in the early 1980's. The original song titles and composers of the radio-inspired arrangements are unknown. SCG created their own song titles and rearranged the music, at times radically, to fit their vision. The rest of the tracks are by various artists from the Middle East and North Africa. One track, "Wild World of Animals" is an African piece written for the theme of an American television show by the same name from the 1970s.'