Monday, February 7, 2011


After a few promises to contribute to your Affectionavocados blog, I have to admit that I am far too intimidated. You guys are like the passionate staff of some used record store no one knows about in the Valley where nothing is priced or sorted. It'd be some dimly lit joint where I'd start rooting awkwardly through the stacks, and upon recognizing nothing at all I would just begin calculating how long I'd need to keep up this charade before I can sneak out without looking lame. I mean all this as a compliment. I continue to enjoy the excavation of hidden gems and miscellany from vinyl's golden age here.

Although I'm at a loss finding things to add to these forays into history, I do keep up with almost all forms of new music so that I know exactly what I need to rip off to advance my own music career. I have been doing a separate blog for a month now to share the best new stuffs that I think more people need to try out. I wanted to start spreading the word about it so I tried to sneak a link up in the upper right yesterday but I don't think I'm allowed. Instead, I just followed any tumblrs listed up there and got two messages asking today if it was truly me behind So here's a post to say yeah, that's me. I am the sizzler. Enjoy.

Chris :)


  1. thanks sizzler! gonna spend some time seeing what's new! it's funny, i generally try not to hear what's new so that i don't end up subconsciously ripping it off and consequently falling into current trends. however, now it seems the trend is to rip off trends from times past! what's a musician to do in these post-post-modern times!!! thanks again.



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